Rubber Risers and Stringers – All You Need to Know

When it comes to stair design in commercial and residential settings, rubber stands out as a superior choice. Combining safety, durability, and aesthetic flexibility, these components are essential in creating staircases that are both functional and visually appealing. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of rubber risers and stringers, guide you through the installation process, and offer practical maintenance tips to ensure your stairs remain in top condition.

Understanding Rubber Risers and Stringers

Rubber risers and stringers are integral parts of a staircase. Risers are the vertical elements that connect one step to the next, while stringers are the inclined boards that provide structural support along each side of the staircase. Together with rubber stair treads on the steps, they enhance the staircase’s structural integrity but also contribute to its overall appearance. For high-traffic areas where safety, durability, and aesthetic considerations are paramount, rubber has become the material of choice.


Rubber risers and stringers offer a range of benefits that make them an ideal choice for various applications. Whether you’re upgrading a commercial space or a residential property, these components provide key advantages that enhance both the function and appearance of your stairs.

Durability and Resilience

Rubber is known for its exceptional durability and resilience, making it an excellent choice for areas with heavy foot traffic. Unlike materials like wood or metal, rubber stair treads, risers and stringers are resistant to cracking, chipping, and warping. This durability means that your stairs will maintain their structural integrity and aesthetic appeal over time, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

Noise Reduction

One of the often-overlooked benefits of rubber flooring, stair treads, risers and stringers is the ability to dampen noise. In environments where noise control is important—such as libraries, hospitals, or multi-story office buildings—rubber’s natural sound-dampening properties can help create a quieter, more pleasant atmosphere.

Aesthetic Flexibility

Rubber risers and stringers are available in a wide range of colors, textures, and patterns, allowing you to customize the look of your staircase to suit your design preferences, either to match the color of the stair treads, or contrast with a different color. Whether you’re aiming for a sleek, modern look or a more traditional appearance, rubber offers the flexibility to achieve your desired aesthetic while maintaining the practical benefits of the material.


Installing rubber risers and stringers is a straightforward process that ensures long-term performance when done correctly by professional installers. Proper installation is key to maximizing the safety and durability of these components, and to assure a perfect fit.


Before installation begins, it’s important to prepare the staircase by cleaning and ensuring the surface is free of debris, dust, and moisture. This preparation is crucial for achieving a secure bond between the rubber and the underlying structure.

Cutting and Fitting

Rubber risers and stringers are cut to size using standard tools, making the installation process efficient. Accurate measurements are essential to ensure a snug fit, as gaps can compromise both safety and aesthetics.


After cutting and fitting the rubber components, they are secured in place using a strong adhesive. It’s important to apply the adhesive evenly to prevent bubbles or weak spots that could affect the bond.

Finishing Touches

Once installed, the rubber risers and stringers should be allowed to set according to the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendations. After the adhesive has fully cured, your stairs will be ready for use, offering a safe, durable, and visually appealing surface.


One of the key advantages of rubber risers and stringers is their low maintenance requirements. However, to keep them looking and performing their best, regular care is recommended.


Routine cleaning is essential to maintain the appearance and safety of rubber risers and stringers. A simple solution of water and mild detergent is usually sufficient to remove dirt and grime. For tougher stains, a gentle scrub with a soft brush may be necessary. It’s important to avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive tools, as these can damage the rubber surface.


Regular inspections should be conducted to check for any signs of wear or damage. While rubber is a durable material, addressing issues like cracking, peeling, or loosening early on can prevent more significant problems down the line.

Preventive Measures

To extend the lifespan of rubber stair treads, risers and stringers, consider implementing preventive measures such as placing mats at the base of stairs to catch dirt and moisture. This simple step can reduce the amount of debris that comes into contact with the rubber, further enhancing its durability.

Rubber stair treads, risers and stringers offer a blend of safety, durability, and aesthetic versatility that makes them an excellent choice for staircases in a variety of settings. Whether you’re installing new stairs or upgrading an existing staircase, the benefits of rubber are clear. From enhanced safety and noise reduction to a wide range of design options, rubber risers and stringers provide a practical and stylish solution for your stair needs.

For more information on our accessories, and to explore how they can enhance your next project, visit our product page here.

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